Coach: Bradley Staight
Performance Blue
Performance Blue is for swimmers to develop in to Regional Standard Swimmers. Swimmers are expected to be at least county level standard swimmers and to develop into Regional swimmers. The emphasis is on getting enjoyment and satisfaction from hard work and achievement. Whilst we never lose sight of the need for great skills, in this squad the emphasis moves more towards starting to condition.
Squad Criteria, Aims and Aspirations
- Swimmers 12-15 years old and competing at least at County level and have Regional potential.
- Must attend a minimum of 6 out of 8 pool sessions a week (including 1 weekday morning and one land training session). Those swimmers at 12 years old will build up to doing 6 sessions a week and on 13th birthday will be asked to move to 6 sessions a week.
- Great level of skills on starts, turns and all four strokes.
- Be a positive role model within the club, have great work ethic, be polite and give 100% in all the attended sessions.
- Abide by the swimmer’s code of conduct.
- Be available for team competitions if selected.
Competitions (minimum requirement)
Swimmers should compete in at least 6 competitions a season, which must include Berks and South Bucks County Championships, South East Regional Championships (if qualified), BWSC Level 3 Meet.
Criteria for promotion to Performance 1
- Swimmers to have achieved at Multiple Regional automatic time (1 Regional base time and Automatic time may be accepted on occasion as at coaches discretion).
- Must be able to demonstrate 6 sessions per week (at least 1 of which must be a weekday morning) in order to be considered.
- High attendance maintained, with good work ethic and good behavior.
- Very good skills and a desire to achieve.
- Able to do land warm up and stretching.
- Attend competitions throughout the year and targeted meets.
- Be 14 years of age.
- Able to demonstrate they can attend mornings.
Swimmers who do not meet the minimum attendance or competition standard level will be moved to Youth Performance, dependent on age and training performance standards.
The criteria above will be at the coaches discretion.
Your squad Rep is: Nicky Phillips
Please contact Nicky with any questions about training, galas and meets or general questions about the club.