Welcome to the members area of the Bracknell and Wokingham Swimming Club. You will find links to squad information, ASA details, information about the club championship and for those new at competing some useful information on what to bring to a gala and types of open meets.
Swim Manager
Swim Manager makes it easy for you as a swimmer or parent to update information, check and enter upcoming meets, pay invoices, check PBs and review emails.
- PROVIDING INFORMATION The members page holds information on swimmers, including ASA number, emergency contact detail, photography consent and medical records. Confidential information is only held in one place and access is restricted to the right people at the right time.
- PBs To view personal best times click on the swimmer’s name on the members page and then the PBs tab. Long course (50m) and short course (25m) conversions are provided, making it easier to enter meets and galas.
- MEETS The meets page will help you enter meets online.
- MESSAGES Your squad rep will use Swim Manager send you messages and you will be able to review what has been sent to you on the Messages tab of the members page.
- INVOICES & PAYMENTS (COMING SOON) The invoices and payments pages allow you to see monies due for squad fees, open meet entries and other items such as swim hats.
- USER GUIDE Swim Manager also has a link to a user guide.
- Fixtures and Swim Manager’s meets page for internal meets, galas, Club Championships and President’s Cup.
- Governance Access to all the forms and guides you will need.
- Open meets
- Club Championships
- Pool Locations
- Training Schedule
- Squads section for the club’s academy, foundation, squad and masters structure. Includes a dedicated page for each.
- Forgotten your ASA number? Find them on the members page in Swim Manager or at Swim England.
- Personal bests. Look them up at swimmingresults.org or the members page in Swim Manager, by clicking on the swimmer’s name and then the PBs tab.
- Swim England – National Governing Body
- British Swimming rankings: national, regional, county
- Swim England South East
- Berkshire and South Buckinghamshire
- National Swimming League South
- Pull Buoy Short/Long Course Time Conversions (use ASA Tables)