Coach: Adam Reddings

Coach: Rhian Galea
Development Blue/White
Swimmers in Development White and Blue should be aiming to achieve County qualifying times and starting to work towards Regional level swimming.
Squad Criteria, Aims & Aspirations
- Swimmers 10-13 years and starting to compete at County standard level or starting to work towards Regionals.
- Strive to attend a minimum of 4 pool sessions a week (aim to include a morning session).
- Abide by the swimmer’s code of conduct.
- Be available for team competitions if selected.
Competitions (minimum requirement)
Swimmers should compete in at least 6 competitions a season, which must include Berks and South Bucks County Championships (if qualified), South East Regional Championships (if qualified), 2 x BWSC Level 3 Meet., 2 x Open Meet and BWSC Club Champs.
Promotion Criteria to Performance 2
- Swimmers starting to compete at County standard.
- Swimmers have at least one 100m County time and have the potential to be able to work towards Regional standard.
- High attendance maintained including a weekday morning with good work ethic and behavior.
- Attend competitions throughout the year and targeted meets.
- Promotion is at the discretion of the coaches.
Swimmers who are unable to fully commit to the programme will be advised to join the Bracknell Leisure Centre Learn to swim / Keep fit programme as an alternative.
The criteria above will be at the coaches discretion.
Your squad Reps are: Paresh Chopdekar (Blue)/Kate Gibbs (White)
Please contact Paresh and Kate with any questions about training, galas and meets or general questions about the club.