

Please Note

Wavepower 2022-2023 is the Swim England Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures publication which replaces all previous versions. Swim England has produced Wavepower to assist in safeguarding and protecting all children in aquatics. Wavepower is the Swim England Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures publication and as such, must be adopted by all Swim England affiliated aquatics clubs and organisations. Although Wavepower is primarily aimed at Swim England affiliated clubs, it can also be utilised by swim schools and other related organisations, events or activities where appropriate. The word ‘club’ or ‘organisation’ will be used henceforth as a general term, to refer to any Swim England affiliated club, swim school, event or activity, unless otherwise stated. Similarly, the word ‘member’ will be used to refer to any child or young person who is a member of a Swim England affiliated organisation, be that a club, swim school or other related organisation across all aquatic disciplines. For the avoidance of doubt, a ‘young person’ is anyone under the age of 18.

The aim of Wavepower is to safeguard all children in line with current child safeguarding legislation and guidance and is for use within any Swim England related organisation where children are present. Wavepower consistently emphasises that the responsibility for child safeguarding in our organisations belongs with all those involved in the sport and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at local, county or national level.

Wavepower provides comprehensive information in one document for officers, members, members’ parents and any other individual involved in aquatics. It is subdivided into specific sections to make it concise, straightforward and easy to use. Swim England will be updating the publication as and when required and we always welcome feedback from users.

The welfare officer, will be the person most likely to use the guidance in Wavepower and it is they who will be responsible for holding and maintaining the publication. They will be expected to make Wavepower available to all individuals who request to consult it and to pass it on to the new welfare officer should they resign their position. Which is why it is placed here on our website.

Our welfare officer will find this publication helpful in guiding them to plan, prioritise and implement the various safeguarding activities that are necessary to protect children within aquatics.

The aim of such a comprehensive publication is to enable everyone in aquatics to play their part in safeguarding children. It offers practical guidance for those who are directly involved in aquatics with children, providing information on mandatory requirements and good practice.

This document was fully updated in 2020. Any significant changes that may take place either in Swim England policy and guidance or through statute or governmental guidance, the welfare officer will be sent additional or replacement pages. It is the responsibility of the welfare officer to keep the publication updated.

The information sheet and emergency contact details, which can be found at the front of Wavepower, contains the contact details for various child protection agencies which can be used either in an emergency or as a matter of course, and should be completed by the welfare officer on receipt of this publication, this will be actioned. Please contact the Swim England Child Safeguarding Team if you are unsure of how to find any of these contact details and would like some assistance. Welfare officers and members may also contact the Swim England Signposting Helpdesk if they have a problem or concern and are unsure on whom to ask for help.